Friday, December 18, 2020

Dealing with Frustration

Good Morning!

I needed to get back to my weak, lame blog since it's the only place that I can call home these days without fear of getting banned or my post not being seen by those that need it. 

I am writing today about frustration. You've felt it. Either at work or at home or even while driving in public.  Maybe it's a boss or your spouse or child. Frustration is common to the human race. It's really part of life. The question, however, is how do you deal with it? What can make things better?

I don't claim to know much and this is one area where I am weak. Currently, I am in a place of utter frustration. It seems that no matter what I do in this situation, nothing is good enough and nothing is right. All of my flaws are amplified. 

One thing that came to me this morning was Isaiah 12:2- "God is my salvation. I will trust and not be afraid." This spoke volumes to me. 

When you are stuck in a situation that seems impossible and the only way out is to walk away, trust. Trust in the one who is the Savior of your soul. Trust in His provision, His love, His power and, most importantly, His ability to get you through your current circumstance. 

Yep, I'm talking to myself too.

According to Strong's Concordance (which helps you understand Hebrew words in context and their meaning), the Hebrew word for salvation is:


Not surprisingly, that is Jesus' name in Hebrew. Yeshua (in English transliteration). Jesus is your Savior (and mine).  He is always there for you to lean on, trust in and hang onto. 

When we turn to Him, our fears melt away so we can truly shine and be all that God has called us to be. THAT is how you deal with frustration. 

When we lean on Jesus, the frustration takes second fiddle to His power. Trust in Jesus with your frustration and He will deliver.